Born in 1988, working and living in The Hague
I'm a documentary photographer and my work is about how form, colour and light are used within architecture and public space and how this effects the perception of the space. I portray spaces where we live, work and recreate. I use photography to document spaces that show how they are constructed for our needs.
They are made for us humans. But I feel that, because of economical and technological reasons, they sometimes lack a sense of humanism. We enormously trust that technology will change everything, but we blindly have the faith that our morals, our behaviour will never change.
Since I moved from a little town to a large city, my perspective changed. The city was overwhelming with size, shapes and colours. I came to realise that a space interacts with my emotions and I started to follow that path. The city and landscape are constantly in movement and development. I try to understand why my surroundings look the way they look. I try to research why these surroundings change and ask what it does with the perception and what it does with me.
We have no control on how the environment looks or feels. The government has planned every planted tree, every stone and every object within public space. Architecture isn't only objects; they shape and give meaning to our surroundings. It's something that we can touch, smell, hear and experience.
Architecture shouldn't be focused on the ego of its maker but instead should be more focused on the emotion of the passer-by, it's user. Every choice that is made creates a different kind of experience of a space. I want to question these decisions. For every choice there could have been a different one. I want to ask the viewer if this is the way forward, because for me, the way forward isn't always the way forward.
2009 – 2014
Royal Academy of Art The Hague, NL. Documentary Photography
2012 - 2013
Researchlab - Artistic research
Royal Academy of Art. The Hague, NL
Supported by Corinne Noordenbos and Hans Scholten
one semester
Marie José Jongerius, Helvoirt, NL
one semester
Erasmus Exchange Program, University of Wales, Newport Caerleon, UK
Conceptual documentary photography
one semester
2005 – 2009
Koning Willem 1 College, 's-Hertogenbosch, NL
AV-Production photography
Selected group exhibitions
2014 – 'The Fantastic Unknown' Graduation show, Royal Academy of Art. The Hague, NL
2013 – Making Culture, A-side B-side Gallery. London, UK
2013 – FotoFilmic'13, Positive Negative Gallery. Vancouver, CA
2013 – Expo LOOK, Ypsilon Park. The Hague, NL
2012 – 100 Years of Newport Photography Exhibition, City Campus. Newport, UK
2012 – Expo VERSUS, Creatief warenhuis HOOP. The Hague, NL
2011 – SHIFT a Photography Exhibition, Jacobs Market. Cardiff, UK
2014 – Unseen Dummy Award nomination, Amsterdam, NL
2013 – FotoFilmic'13, 1st place beau photo prize. Vancouver, CA
2010 – GeldersNieuwsFoto, (Nominated) Jury prize. Arnhem, NL
2010 – GeldersNieuwsFoto, Children's jury prize. Arnhem, NL
2010 – GeldersNieuwsFoto, Public prize. Arnhem, NL
2010 – GeldersNieuwsFoto, Category prize. Arnhem, NL
Contributions and catalogues
2014 – KABK graduates 2014 catalogue. The Hague, NL
2014 – The Fantastic Unknown catalogue. The Hague, NL
2013 – Fotofilmic'13 exhibition catalogue. Vancouver, CA
2013 – Expo LOOK exhibition catalogue. The Hague, NL
2013 – The Lost Prairie Vol. 1. booklet featuring 'Grids for Living'. Bristol, UK
2012 – Expo VERSUS exhibition catalogue. The Hague, NL
2012 – The Lost Prairie. Small booklet featuring '#DCDDDE'. Bristol, UK
Film contributions
2014 – Director and cameraman for a supporting video for my 'Most Efficient' project. The Hague, NL
2013/14 – Director of Photography at 'Breekpunt'. A dutch film from DreamingPictures.
In collaboration with director Patrick van den Heuvel. 's-Hertogenbosch, NL
2013 – Cameraman at WWF Earth Hour concert entitled 'Akoestisch bij kaarslicht'.
A concert registration in collaboration with Patrick van den Heuvel. At the Studentenkapel in Eindhoven, NL
2013 – Art director and cameraman at Fahrenheit Twins Webcast XXL - Paris, je t'aime.
Three acoustic recorded songs. Filmed in several iconic places in Paris, Fr.
2013 – Director and cameraman for a supporting video for my 'Grids For Living' project. The Hague, NL
2011 – Director and cameraman for the music video of 'Come Closer'. A song performed by the Fahrenheit Twins. Recorded in 's-Hertogenbosch, NL
2011 – Director and cameraman for an instruction video of the website ''.
Recorded at Bedrijventekoop in Boekel, NL